Building conservation publications from the Engine Shed, ranging from detailed technical papers to advice for conservation beginners.
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Inform Guide: Restoration Mortars for Masonry Repairs
This INFORM guide provides information on the use of proprietary restoration mortars for repair of stone masonry.
Inform Guide: Roofing Leadwork
INFORM guide on the types of lead sheet used on Scottish roofs and their repair and maintenance.
Inform Guide: Rot in Timber
INFORM guide on identifying rot and repair and maintenance in historic Scottish buildings.
Inform Guide: Stone Floors
This INFORM guide outlines, dating structure, repair and maintenance.
Inform Guide: Structural Cracks
INFORM guide on recognising and diagnosing various types of settlement cracks.
Inform Guide: Structural Joinery
This INFORM guide covers the survey, inspection and repair options associated with structural joinery.
Inform Guide: Terracotta and Faience
INFORM guide on the conservation and maintenance of terracotta and faience.
Inform Guide: Thatched Roofs
This INFORM guide gives information on thatch as a roofing material on traditional/vernacular buildings.
Inform Guide: The Maintenance of Cast Iron Rainwater Goods
INFORM guide giving a brief history of rainwater goods and guidance on common problems, causes and maintenance.